Execution failed for task ':app-web-toolkit:buildWidgetSet'

Здравствуйте, подскажите в чем проблема и как ее исправить

Compiling module com.web.toolkit.ui.AppWidgetSet
   Tracing compile failure path for type 'com.haulmont.addon.maps.web.toolkit.ui.leaflet.client.EditableConnector'
      [ERROR] Errors in 'com/haulmont/addon/maps/web/toolkit/ui/leaflet/client/EditableConnector.java'
         [ERROR] Line 55: The method deleteShapeAt(Point) of type new EditableClientRcp(){} must override or implement a supertype method
         [ERROR] Line 44: The method newShape() of type new EditableClientRcp(){} must override or implement a supertype method
   Tracing compile failure path for type 'com.haulmont.addon.maps.web.toolkit.ui.leaflet.client.LeafletMultiPolylineConnector'
      [ERROR] Errors in 'com/haulmont/addon/maps/web/toolkit/ui/leaflet/client/LeafletMultiPolylineConnector.java'
         [ERROR] Line 12: com.haulmont.addon.maps.web.toolkit.ui.leaflet.LMultiPolyline cannot be resolved to a type
         [ERROR] Line 12: Class<LMultiPolyline> cannot be resolved to a type
   Tracing compile failure path for type 'com.haulmont.addon.maps.web.toolkit.ui.leaflet.client.LeafletMultiPolygonConnector'
      [ERROR] Errors in 'com/haulmont/addon/maps/web/toolkit/ui/leaflet/client/LeafletMultiPolygonConnector.java'
         [ERROR] Line 12: Class<LMultiPolygon> cannot be resolved to a type
         [ERROR] Line 12: com.haulmont.addon.maps.web.toolkit.ui.leaflet.LMultiPolygon cannot be resolved to a type
   Tracing compile failure path for type 'com.haulmont.addon.maps.web.toolkit.ui.leaflet.client.LeafletMultiPointConnector'
      [ERROR] Errors in 'com/haulmont/addon/maps/web/toolkit/ui/leaflet/client/LeafletMultiPointConnector.java'
         [ERROR] Line 69: The method getState() from the type LeafletMultiPointConnector refers to the missing type LeafletMultiPointState
         [ERROR] Line 62: The method getState() from the type LeafletMultiPointConnector refers to the missing type LeafletMultiPointState
         [ERROR] Line 15: com.haulmont.addon.maps.web.toolkit.ui.leaflet.LMultiPoint cannot be resolved to a type
         [ERROR] Line 64: The method getState() from the type LeafletMultiPointConnector refers to the missing type LeafletMultiPointState
         [ERROR] Line 91: LeafletMultiPointState cannot be resolved to a type
         [ERROR] Line 11: The import com.haulmont.addon.maps.web.toolkit.ui.leaflet.shared.LeafletMultiPointState cannot be resolved
         [ERROR] Line 67: The method getState() from the type LeafletMultiPointConnector refers to the missing type LeafletMultiPointState
         [ERROR] Line 92: LeafletMultiPointState cannot be resolved to a type
         [ERROR] Line 15: Class<LMultiPoint> cannot be resolved to a type
   [ERROR] Aborting compile due to errors in some input files

> Task :app-web-toolkit:buildWidgetSet FAILED

Execution failed for task ':app-web-toolkit:buildWidgetSet'.
> Process 'command 'C:\Users\shibanovl\bin\jdk-11\bin\java.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

Добрый день,

Для сборки widgetset’a попробуйте использовать Java 8.
