Не запускается cuba проект

В пятницу только работал

Execution failed for task ‘:amara-web:compileJava’.

Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:amara-web:compileClasspath’.
Could not find any version that matches org.webjars.npm:mime-db:[1.52.0].
Versions that do not match:
- 1.51.0
- 1.50.0
- 1.49.0
- 1.48.0
- 1.47.0
- + 21 more
Searched in the following locations:
- https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/work/org/webjars/npm/mime-db/maven-metadata.xml
Required by:
project :amara-web > com.haulmont.addon.grapesjs:grapesjs-web:0.5.3 > org.webjars.npm:github-com-artf-grapesjs-preset-newsletter:0.2.20 > org.webjars.npm:juice:4.3.2 > org.webjars.npm:web-resource-inliner:4.3.4 > org.webjars.npm:request:2.88.2 > org.webjars.npm:mime-types:2.1.35

Possible solution:

Пожалуйста посмотрите обсуждение на английском форуме: Could not determine dependencies - CUBA.Platform
